Feeling lost...

Few things in life never had an answer.Why we come across stupid situtations?why we do wrong?why we come across bad times?why our friend leaves us?why do we fail the important work?why we cry for a movie?why we feel bad about ourself's?Why our dear ones are not with us when we need them?The list goes on and on.Hope everyone would have heard "nothing ever does happen without god's knowledge".If so why the hell does he create all such situations and experiences in life.Everyone are god's child right?Then why should he give us a bad situation and then save us from that?Why should he a create a terrorist as well as a priest?Are we toys for him to play with?Just feeling lost :(


Rika said...

Phew! u'll never get an answer for that coz everybody is as clueless as you are.

Sathana said...
