I,me,My mom......

I just can't tell how much i care
My love for you is  tender

Am your angel,attimes am your devil
You bear with me with a smile

I hurt you badly,Drive you mad
I always do it to you when am sad

I confide in you,attimes maintain secrecy
Though you know it,you give me privacy

I fight to eat
 a racket i create

Whatever i do,say or behave, you are the same
If only i knew having you is my real fame

I have to tell you,Everthing that is gifted in me is cos of u
Everthing that has hurted you is cos of me

My sweet dear mother,You are so soft as a feather
You are the sweetest mother ever,am afraid i ain't a perfect daughter


Parv Kaushik said...

a bful one.. a gift for yur mother!! nice one!!

keep blogging!!

Sathana said...

tanx parv