Story time pals...

The sun was high up in the sky as brighter as ever.It was a monday morning and everyone in the city seemed busy.The school children were on their way to school, each in their own way.Few walking with friends,few riding bicycles,few peeping out from their school buses,and few still at home,crying not to go to school,few thinking of an idea to bunk school.The adults were in a hurry to be at work on time.
Admist the pillows and her doll,there sleeps our two yr old kiddoo heroine saisri, in her bed,softer than the bed,she sleeps and cuter than the doll,she is hugging."saisri! sri kutty ...",here comes her mom sahana calling her child.She sat, near saisri kissed her and slowly embraced her.Saisri woke up in the touch and smiled at her mom lovingly."We are  going to granny home",added her mom.That was a sweet news for saisri.
For saisri,granny's place has always been a wonderland.She will be petted,hugged and fondled by all at home-her aunt,uncle,grandpa and granny, whom she loved so much.There were two cows,dogs,lots and lots of dove, in her granny home.The words,' we are going to granny home',excited her so much,that she allowed her mom to give her  bath and ate  all she spooned without complaining and got ready cheerfully.On her way to her granny's home in the car,saisri kept asking her mom,'Is the cow still there?'in her child language.Her mom smiled and said, " yes  dear."
As soon as the car was parkedin her granny's place,saisri was in the hands of her granny.She hugged her granny and her granny embraced her  and gave all the snacks she had made specially for her.She sat on the sofa eating them,when the voice of her dear cow,"maaaaaa......"attracted her.she ran to the backyard,to the cowshed, to see it.she stood there sometime watching the cow.She was always fascinated towards it,since it was so big and cute for her.Then hearing  the sound of the dogs barking  in the front gate,she went through the garden to the front gate.Her mom and granny who were into serious discussion over a family issue completely forgot her.She stood by the gate ,suddenly she remembered the school at the end of the road.Saisri has always wanted to go to school.'Am got to go...',she thought unaware of her age.A real venture for a 2 yr s old.She ran in to the hall,where her grandpa was busy watching news in Television.,searched for a notebook,she has seen her cousin taking notebooks and  pencil,pen etc to school.Alas! she found a torn cover of a book and still no pen or pencil.She searched her granny bedroom ,what she found was a  eyebrow pencil on the dressing table.'Am done' , she thought with a attitude of a school going kid.She went to the gate and started walking towards the school  carrying her assets of pride-the torn book cover and eyebrow pencil.
Here, she is ,inside the school campus.How she escaped the sight of the watchman and crossed the main road's traffic, god only knows.She was astonished by the school atmosphere,the noise of  the children repeating their teachers and the sight of the children playing in ground in their physical training session.While she was wondering where to go to 'learn like her cousin',the principal and a team of teachers who were on their  routine rounds,saw her.The casual dress,she was wearing and the look she gave and her very little size,made them feel something unusual.They neared our heroine,"Look child,with whom did you come?why you standing here alone?".Saisri replied in her cute voice,"i came to learn like mona,i came alone".The principal and other teachers laughed hearing her innocence and seeing the things she had brought with her to learn-the torn book cover and eyebrow pencil,but soon stopped thinking of the seriousness.When they tried to interrogate her more, to send her safe back home,well we have a turning point,her cousin mona who was playing in the ground saw her and ran to her.She told her  principal,"she is my cousin ,saisri" and turning to saisri,"why you came here???",confused.At this introduction,the principal feeling relieved said,"so, you are her inspiration to learn".They rang her home and intimated the happenings.
Meanwhile,saisri mom,grandparents and everyone at home had become afraid and scared of her 'missing'.And had started searching all over the area.The telephone call relaxed them.They hurried to the school and found saisri sitting in principal's room and having the choclet she gave.Sahana thanked the principal a hundred times seeing her child safe.And when they were about to leave the place after a few formal talks.Saisri asked,"when can i learn like mona?".Everyone laughed and the principal said with her smile,"Next year,my dear".

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