I wanted to be the first
I aspired to be the first
I longed to be the first
I  was inspired to be the first
And i endeavored to become  the first

I  walked up the hill,i thought am the first ever
I won the match ,i thought am the first
I lost.,i thought am the first
whether its my innocence or my idiocy
Am nt the first,i can never be the first.

Whatever i have done,doing or do
Whatever i said,saying,or will say 
Somebody has ,have ,or had
I was disappointed,kinda vexed
What is this life?

I can never be first 
And yeah ,not the last too
Cos am nt the first or last human in this world
I am following the foottraces of survival
But i wont be the same as all

Ya,am not he first,
Am nt the last
But i will be surely one 
Among the best,
The best ever......


Anonymous said...

thats a gud thought :)

Sathana said...

oh i never expected such new commenter:))))),so sweet ,tanx a lot,but i knw dat tis post isn't upto the mark,but u comment made it special:)tanx a tonnnnnnnnnnnn